Welcome to the New Mikes World of Tech

Welcome to the new layout for the site. I’ve wanted to do a new layout for wile now; the old one seemed a bit too much for the eye. I scaled back and just did simple colors. Thanks the Sqarespace’s editing tools it only took me about an hour or so to do all this. Now I want to point out some changes from the old site versus the new one.

The first one I would like to point out is the Search. You now look for older post that I have done by going to the search page on the top navigation bar. I’ve done many tips and how to post threw out the years so use search to find them.

Item number two that I want to talk about is really two things. I moved the side bar to the left I just felt it looked better then on the right. The other thing I wanted to talk about is I have a new RSS feed for the site you can subscribe to http://feeds.feedburner.com/MikesWorldOfTech this can also be found at the bottom of the side bar.

The last thing I want to talk about is I’m starting a monthly newsletter. You can subscribe by going to the Newsletter link at the top of the page. I will send a post about what I think was the most important tech story of the month and we can talk about it.

I hope you enjoy the improvements and subscribe to the RSS feed so you are always up to date about what is going on in the tech world also you can follow me on twitter.com/mikeswortldoftec. Also check out my new blog I started googleplexcity.blogspot.com for all things Google.

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